Source code for defense.mcr

# python defense/mcr/ --save_path /workspace/chenhongrui/bdzoo2/record/t_914_badnet
This file is modified based on the following source:
link :
The defense method is called mcr.

Since the model is different from original paper, we change the hyperparameter for preactresnet18 on cifar10 to align the performance.


from defense.base import defense

# def plot_hessian_eigenvalues(
#         model_visual,
#         data_loader,  # only use one batch
#         device,
#         save_path_for_hessian=None,  # xx/xx/xx.png
# ):
#     # save_path_for_hessian =
#     # data_loader =
#     # device =
#     # model_visual =
#     model_visual = (model_visual)
#     data_loader = (data_loader)
#     # !!! Important to set eval mode !!!
#     model_visual.eval()
#     criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
#     batch_x, batch_y, *others = next(iter(data_loader))
#     batch_x =
#     batch_y =
#     if torch.__version__ > '1.8.1':
#'Use self-defined function as an alternative for torch.eig since your torch>=1.9')
#         def old_torcheig(A, eigenvectors):
#             '''A temporary function as an alternative for torch.eig (torch<1.9)'''
#             vals, vecs = torch.linalg.eig(A)
#             if torch.is_complex(vals) or torch.is_complex(vecs):
#                     'Warning: Complex values founded in Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors. This is impossible for real symmetric matrix like Hessian. \n We only keep the real part.')
#             vals = torch.real(vals)
#             vecs = torch.real(vecs)
#             # vals is a nx2 matrix. see
#             vals = vals.view(-1, 1) + torch.zeros(vals.size()[0], 2).to(vals.device)
#             if eigenvectors:
#                 return vals, vecs
#             else:
#                 return vals, torch.tensor([])
#         torch.eig = old_torcheig
#     # create the hessian computation module
#     hessian_comp = hessian(model_visual, criterion, data=(batch_x, batch_y), cuda=True)
#     # Now let's compute the top 2 eigenavlues and eigenvectors of the Hessian
#     top_eigenvalues, top_eigenvector = hessian_comp.eigenvalues(top_n=2, maxIter=1000)
#"The top two eigenvalues of this model are: %.4f %.4f" % (top_eigenvalues[0], top_eigenvalues[1]))
#     if save_path_for_hessian is not None:
#         density_eigen, density_weight = hessian_comp.density()
#         def get_esd_plot(eigenvalues, weights):
#             density, grids = density_generate(eigenvalues, weights)
#             plt.semilogy(grids, density + 1.0e-7)
#             plt.ylabel('Density (Log Scale)', fontsize=14, labelpad=10)
#             plt.xlabel('Eigenvlaue', fontsize=14, labelpad=10)
#             plt.xticks(fontsize=12)
#             plt.yticks(fontsize=12)
#             plt.axis([np.min(eigenvalues) - 1, np.max(eigenvalues) + 1, None, None])
#             return plt.gca()
#         def density_generate(eigenvalues,
#                              weights,
#                              num_bins=10000,
#                              sigma_squared=1e-5,
#                              overhead=0.01):
#             eigenvalues = np.array(eigenvalues)
#             weights = np.array(weights)
#             lambda_max = np.mean(np.max(eigenvalues, axis=1), axis=0) + overhead
#             lambda_min = np.mean(np.min(eigenvalues, axis=1), axis=0) - overhead
#             grids = np.linspace(lambda_min, lambda_max, num=num_bins)
#             sigma = sigma_squared * max(1, (lambda_max - lambda_min))
#             num_runs = eigenvalues.shape[0]
#             density_output = np.zeros((num_runs, num_bins))
#             for i in range(num_runs):
#                 for j in range(num_bins):
#                     x = grids[j]
#                     tmp_result = gaussian(eigenvalues[i, :], x, sigma)
#                     density_output[i, j] = np.sum(tmp_result * weights[i, :])
#             density = np.mean(density_output, axis=0)
#             normalization = np.sum(density) * (grids[1] - grids[0])
#             density = density / normalization
#             return density, grids
#         def gaussian(x, x0, sigma_squared):
#             return np.exp(-(x0 - x) ** 2 /
#                           (2.0 * sigma_squared)) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma_squared)
#         ax = get_esd_plot(density_eigen, density_weight)
#         ax.set_title(f'Max Eigen Value: {top_eigenvalues[0]:.2f}')
#         plt.tight_layout()
#         plt.savefig(save_path_for_hessian)
#         plt.close()
#'Save to {save_path_for_hessian}')
#     return top_eigenvalues

[docs]class mcr(defense): r'''Bridging mode connectivity in loss landscapes and adversarial robustness basic structure: 1. config args, save_path, fix random seed 2. load the backdoor attack data and backdoor test data 3. mcr a. use poisoned model and clean(finetuned from poison) model to form a curve in parameter space b. train curve with given subset of data, test with given t 4. test the result and get ASR, ACC, RC .. code-block:: python mcr = mcr() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=sys.argv[0]) parser = mcr.set_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() mcr.add_yaml_to_args(args) args = mcr.process_args(args) mcr.prepare(args) mcr.defense() .. Note:: @inproceedings{zhao2020bridging, title={BRIDGING MODE CONNECTIVITY IN LOSS LANDSCAPES AND ADVERSARIAL ROBUSTNESS}, author={Zhao, Pu and Chen, Pin-Yu and Das, Payel and Ramamurthy, Karthikeyan Natesan and Lin, Xue}, booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2020)}, year={2020}} Args: baisc args: in the base class train_curve_epochs(int): how many epochs to train the curve num_bends(int): number of bends in curve test_t(float): t of tested model on the curve (which points on the curve is used in test) curve(str): which curve is used ft_epochs(int): finetune epochs ft_lr_scheduler(str): finetune lr_scheduler ratio(float): the ratio of clean data loader acc_ratio(float): the tolerance ration of the clean accuracy test_curve_every(int): frequency of testing the models on curve load_other_model_path(str): instead of finetune the given poisoned model, we load other model from this part use_clean_subset(bool): use bd poison dataset as data poison for path training and BN update; or, use clean subset instead '''