Source code for detection_infer.strip

# '''
# This file is modified based on the following source:
# link :
# This file implements the (detection) defense method called STRIP.
# basic sturcture for defense method:
#     1. basic setting: args
#     2. attack result(model, train data, test data)
#     3. STRIP detection:
#         a. mix up clean samples and record the entropy of prediction, and record smallest entropy and largest entropy as thresholds.
#         b. mix up the tested samples and clean samples, and record the entropy.
#         c. detection samples whose entropy exceeds the thresholds as poisoned.
#     4. Record TPR and FPR.
# '''
# import argparse
# import os,sys
# import numpy as np
# import torch
# import torch.nn as nn
# sys.path.append('../')
# sys.path.append(os.getcwd())
# from pprint import  pformat
# import yaml
# import logging
# import time
# from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from defense.base import defense
# import scipy
# from utils.aggregate_block.train_settings_generate import argparser_criterion, argparser_opt_scheduler
# from utils.trainer_cls import PureCleanModelTrainer
# from utils.aggregate_block.fix_random import fix_random
# from utils.aggregate_block.model_trainer_generate import generate_cls_model
# from utils.log_assist import get_git_info
# from utils.aggregate_block.dataset_and_transform_generate import get_input_shape, get_num_classes, get_transform
# from utils.save_load_attack import load_attack_result, save_defense_result
# from utils.nCHW_nHWC import *
# import tqdm
# import heapq
# from PIL import Image
# from utils.bd_dataset_v2 import dataset_wrapper_with_transform,xy_iter, prepro_cls_DatasetBD_v2
# from utils.trainer_cls import Metric_Aggregator, PureCleanModelTrainer, all_acc, general_plot_for_epoch, given_dataloader_test
# from collections import Counter
# import copy
# from import DataLoader
# from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
# import random
# import csv
# from sklearn import metrics
# class STRIP():
#     name: str = 'strip'
#     def __init__(self, args, inspection_set, clean_set, model, strip_alpha: float = 0.5, N: int = 64, defense_fpr: float = 0.05, batch_size=128):
#         self.args = args
#         self.strip_alpha: float = strip_alpha
#         self.N: int = N
#         self.defense_fpr = defense_fpr
#         self.inspection_set = inspection_set
#         self.clean_set = clean_set
#         self.model = model
#     def cleanse(self):
#         # choose a decision boundary with the test set
#         clean_entropy = []
#         clean_set_loader = DataLoader(self.clean_set, batch_size=128, shuffle=False)
#         for i, (_input, _label) in enumerate(clean_set_loader):
#             # _input, _label = _input.cuda(), _label.cuda()
#             _input, _label =,
#             entropies = self.check(_input, _label, self.clean_set)
#             for e in entropies:
#                 clean_entropy.append(e)
#         clean_entropy = torch.FloatTensor(clean_entropy)
#         clean_entropy, _ = clean_entropy.sort()
#         print(len(clean_entropy))
#         threshold_low = float(clean_entropy[int(self.defense_fpr * len(clean_entropy))])
#         threshold_high = np.inf
#         # now cleanse the inspection set with the chosen boundary
#         inspection_set_loader = DataLoader(self.inspection_set, batch_size=128, shuffle=False)
#         all_entropy = []
#         for i, (_input, _label) in enumerate(inspection_set_loader):
#             # _input, _label = _input.cuda(), _label.cuda()
#             _input, _label =,
#             entropies = self.check(_input, _label, self.clean_set)
#             for e in entropies:
#                 all_entropy.append(e)
#         all_entropy = torch.FloatTensor(all_entropy)
#         suspicious_indices = torch.logical_or(all_entropy < threshold_low, all_entropy > threshold_high).nonzero().reshape(-1)
#         return suspicious_indices.numpy()
#     def check(self, _input: torch.Tensor, _label: torch.Tensor, source_set) -> torch.Tensor:
#         _list = []
#         samples = list(range(len(source_set)))
#         random.shuffle(samples)
#         samples = samples[:self.N]
#         with torch.no_grad():
#             for i in samples:
#                 X, Y = source_set[i]
#                 X =
#                 _test = self.superimpose(_input, X)
#                 entropy = self.entropy(_test).cpu().detach()
#                 _list.append(entropy)
#         return torch.stack(_list).mean(0)
#     def superimpose(self, _input1: torch.Tensor, _input2: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = None):
#         if alpha is None:
#             alpha = self.strip_alpha
#         result = _input1 + alpha * _input2
#         return result
#     def entropy(self, _input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
#         p = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(self.model(_input)) + 1e-8
#         return (-p * p.log()).sum(1)

[docs]class strip(defense): r'''STRIP: A Defence Against Trojan Attacks on Deep Neural Networks basic sturcture for defense method: 1. basic setting: args 2. attack result(model, train data, test data) 3. STRIP detection: a. mix up clean samples and record the entropy of prediction, and record smallest entropy and largest entropy as thresholds. b. mix up the tested samples and clean samples, and record the entropy. c. detection samples whose entropy exceeds the thresholds as poisoned. 4. Record TPR and FPR. .. code-block:: python parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=sys.argv[0]) strip.add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() strip_method = strip(args) if "result_file" not in args.__dict__: args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' elif args.result_file is None: args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' result = strip_method.detection(args.result_file) .. Note:: @inproceedings{gao2019strip, title={Strip: A defence against trojan attacks on deep neural networks}, author={Gao, Yansong and Xu, Change and Wang, Derui and Chen, Shiping and Ranasinghe, Damith C and Nepal, Surya}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference}, pages={113--125}, year={2019}} Args: baisc args: in the base class clean_sample_num(int): number of clean sample given target_label(int): attack target class ''' def __init__(self,args): pass
# with open(args.yaml_path, 'r') as f: # defaults = yaml.safe_load(f) # # defaults.update({k:v for k,v in args.__dict__.items() if v is not None}) # # args.__dict__ = defaults # # args.terminal_info = sys.argv # # args.num_classes = get_num_classes(args.dataset) # args.input_height, args.input_width, args.input_channel = get_input_shape(args.dataset) # args.img_size = (args.input_height, args.input_width, args.input_channel) # args.dataset_path = f"{args.dataset_path}/{args.dataset}" # # self.args = args # # if 'result_file' in args.__dict__ : # if args.result_file is not None: # self.set_result(args.result_file) # # def add_arguments(parser): # parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, help='cuda, cpu') # parser.add_argument("-pm","--pin_memory", type=lambda x: str(x) in ['True', 'true', '1'], help = "dataloader pin_memory") # parser.add_argument("-nb","--non_blocking", type=lambda x: str(x) in ['True', 'true', '1'], help = ".to(), set the non_blocking = ?") # parser.add_argument("-pf", '--prefetch', type=lambda x: str(x) in ['True', 'true', '1'], help='use prefetch') # parser.add_argument('--amp', default = False, type=lambda x: str(x) in ['True','true','1']) # # parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_load', type=str, help='the location of load model') # parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_save', type=str, help='the location of checkpoint where model is saved') # parser.add_argument('--log', type=str, help='the location of log') # parser.add_argument("--dataset_path", type=str, help='the location of data') # parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, help='mnist, cifar10, cifar100, gtrsb, tiny') # parser.add_argument('--result_file', type=str, help='the location of result') # # parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int) # parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int) # parser.add_argument("--num_workers", type=float) # parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float) # parser.add_argument('--lr_scheduler', type=str, help='the scheduler of lr') # parser.add_argument('--steplr_stepsize', type=int) # parser.add_argument('--steplr_gamma', type=float) # parser.add_argument('--steplr_milestones', type=list) # parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, help='resnet18') # # parser.add_argument('--client_optimizer', type=int) # parser.add_argument('--sgd_momentum', type=float) # parser.add_argument('--wd', type=float, help='weight decay of sgd') # parser.add_argument('--frequency_save', type=int, # help=' frequency_save, 0 is never') # # parser.add_argument('--random_seed', type=int, help='random seed') # parser.add_argument('--yaml_path', type=str, default="./config/detection/sentinet/cifar10.yaml", help='the path of yaml') # parser.add_argument('--clean_sample_num', type=int) # parser.add_argument('--csv_save_path', type=str) # parser.add_argument('--target_label', type=int) # # def set_result(self, result_file): # attack_file = 'record/' + result_file # save_path = 'record/' + result_file + '/detection/strip_infer/' # if not (os.path.exists(save_path)): # os.makedirs(save_path) # self.args.save_path = save_path # if self.args.checkpoint_save is None: # self.args.checkpoint_save = save_path + 'detection_info/' # if not (os.path.exists(self.args.checkpoint_save)): # os.makedirs(self.args.checkpoint_save) # # if self.args.log is None: # self.args.log = save_path + 'log/' # if not (os.path.exists(self.args.log)): # os.makedirs(self.args.log) # self.result = load_attack_result(attack_file + '/') # # def set_trainer(self, model): # self.trainer = PureCleanModelTrainer( # model = model, # ) # # def set_logger(self): # args = self.args # logFormatter = logging.Formatter( # fmt='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-8s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s', # datefmt='%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S', # ) # logger = logging.getLogger() # # fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(args.log + '/' + time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S", time.localtime()) + '.log') # fileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) # logger.addHandler(fileHandler) # # consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() # consoleHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) # logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) # # logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # # # try: # # except: #'Getting git info fails.') # # def set_devices(self): # self.device = self.args.device # # def get_features(data_loader, model): # # class_indices = [] # feats = [] # # model.eval() # with torch.no_grad(): # for i, (ins_data, ins_target) in enumerate(tqdm(data_loader)): # ins_data = ins_data.cuda() # _, x_features = model(ins_data, True) # # this_batch_size = len(ins_target) # for bid in range(this_batch_size): # feats.append(x_features[bid].cpu().numpy()) # class_indices.append(ins_target[bid].cpu().numpy()) # # return feats, class_indices # # def cal(self, true, pred): # TN, FP, FN, TP = confusion_matrix(true, pred).ravel() # return TN, FP, FN, TP # def metrix(self, TN, FP, FN, TP): # TPR = TP/(TP+FN) # FPR = FP/(FP+TN) # precision = TP/(TP+FP) # acc = (TP+TN)/(TN+FP+FN+TP) # return TPR, FPR, precision, acc # # def filtering(self): # start = time.perf_counter() # self.set_devices() # fix_random(self.args.random_seed) # # ### a. load model, bd train data and transforms # model = generate_cls_model(self.args.model,self.args.num_classes) # model.load_state_dict(self.result['model']) # if "," in self.device: # model = torch.nn.DataParallel( # model, # device_ids=[int(i) for i in self.args.device[5:].split(",")] # eg. "cuda:2,3,7" -> [2,3,7] # ) # self.args.device = f'cuda:{model.device_ids[0]}' # # model.eval() # else: # # model.eval() # # test_tran = get_transform(self.args.dataset, *([self.args.input_height,self.args.input_width]) , train = False) # bd_test_dataset = self.result['bd_test'].wrapped_dataset # pindex = np.where(np.array(bd_test_dataset.poison_indicator) == 1)[0] # # clean_test_dataset = self.result['clean_test'].wrapped_dataset # # ### b. find a clean sample from test dataset # images = [] # labels = [] # for img, label in clean_test_dataset: # images.append(img) # labels.append(label) # class_idx_whole = [] # num = int(self.args.clean_sample_num / self.args.num_classes) # if num == 0: # num = 1 # for i in range(self.args.num_classes): # class_idx_whole.append(np.random.choice(np.where(np.array(labels)==i)[0], num)) # image_c = [] # label_c = [] # class_idx_whole = np.concatenate(class_idx_whole, axis=0) # image_c = [images[i] for i in class_idx_whole] # label_c = [labels[i] for i in class_idx_whole] # # clean_dataset = xy_iter(image_c, label_c,transform=test_tran) # # ### c. load training dataset with poison samples # images_poison = [] # labels_poison = [] # for img, label,*other_info in bd_test_dataset: # images_poison.append(img) # labels_poison.append(label) # # ### d. get features of training dataset # train_dataset = xy_iter(images_poison, labels_poison,transform=test_tran) # worker = STRIP( args, train_dataset, clean_dataset, model, strip_alpha=1.0, N=100, defense_fpr=0.1, batch_size=128 ) # suspect_index = worker.cleanse() # # true_index = np.zeros(len(images_poison)) # for i in range(len(true_index)): # if i in pindex: # true_index[i] = 1 # # if len(suspect_index)==0: # tn = len(true_index) - np.sum(true_index) # fp = np.sum(true_index) # fn = 0 # tp = 0 # f = open(self.args.save_path + '/detection_info.csv', 'a', encoding='utf-8') # csv_write = csv.writer(f) # csv_write.writerow(['record', 'TN','FP','FN','TP','TPR','FPR', 'target']) # csv_write.writerow([args.result_file, tn,fp,fn,tp, 0,0, 'None']) # f.close() # else: # findex = np.zeros(len(images_poison)) # for i in range(len(findex)): # if i in suspect_index: # findex[i] = 1 # # tn, fp, fn, tp =, findex) # TPR, FPR, precision, acc = self.metrix(tn, fp, fn, tp) # # new_TP = tp # new_FN = fn*9 # new_FP = fp*1 # precision = new_TP / (new_TP + new_FP) if new_TP + new_FP != 0 else 0 # recall = new_TP / (new_TP + new_FN) if new_TP + new_FN != 0 else 0 # fw1 = 2*(precision * recall)/ (precision + recall) if precision + recall != 0 else 0 # end = time.perf_counter() # time_miniute = (end-start)/60 # # f = open(self.args.save_path + '/detection_info.csv', 'a', encoding='utf-8') # csv_write = csv.writer(f) # csv_write.writerow(['record', 'TN','FP','FN','TP','TPR','FPR', 'target']) # csv_write.writerow([args.result_file, tn, fp, fn, tp, TPR, FPR, 'None']) # f.close() # # # def detection(self,result_file): # self.set_result(result_file) # self.set_logger() # result = self.filtering() # return result # # # if __name__ == '__main__': # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=sys.argv[0]) # strip.add_arguments(parser) # args = parser.parse_args() # strip_method = strip(args) # if "result_file" not in args.__dict__: # args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' # elif args.result_file is None: # args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' # result = strip_method.detection(args.result_file)