Source code for detection_pretrain.scan

from defense.base import defense
# '''
# This file is modified based on the following source:
# link :
# The detection method is called SCAn.
# basic sturcture for defense method:
#     1. basic setting: args
#     2. attack result(model, train data, test data)
#     3. SCAn detection:
#         a. Leverage the target model to generate representations for all input images.
#         b. Estimate the parameters by running an EM algorithm.
#         c. calculate the identity vector and decompose the representations.
#         d. estimate the parameters for the mixture model.
#         e. perform the likelihood ratio test.
#     4. compute TPR and FPR
# '''
# import argparse
# import os,sys
# import numpy as np
# import torch
# import torch.nn as nn
# sys.path.append('../')
# sys.path.append(os.getcwd())
# from pprint import  pformat
# import yaml
# import logging
# import time
# from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
# from defense.base import defense
# import scipy
# from utils.aggregate_block.train_settings_generate import argparser_criterion, argparser_opt_scheduler
# from utils.trainer_cls import PureCleanModelTrainer
# from utils.aggregate_block.fix_random import fix_random
# from utils.aggregate_block.model_trainer_generate import generate_cls_model
# from utils.log_assist import get_git_info
# from utils.aggregate_block.dataset_and_transform_generate import get_input_shape, get_num_classes, get_transform
# from utils.save_load_attack import load_attack_result, save_defense_result
# from utils.nCHW_nHWC import *
# import tqdm
# import heapq
# from PIL import Image
# from utils.bd_dataset_v2 import dataset_wrapper_with_transform,xy_iter, prepro_cls_DatasetBD_v2
# from utils.trainer_cls import Metric_Aggregator, PureCleanModelTrainer, all_acc, general_plot_for_epoch, given_dataloader_test
# from collections import Counter
# import copy
# from import DataLoader
# from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
# import csv
# from sklearn import metrics
# def get_features_labels(args, model, target_layer, data_loader):
#     def feature_hook(module, input_, output_):
#         global feature_vector
#         feature_vector = output_
#         return None
#     h = target_layer.register_forward_hook(feature_hook)
#     model.eval()
#     features = []
#     labels = []
#     with torch.no_grad():
#         for batch_idx, (inputs, targets, *other_info) in enumerate(data_loader):
#             global feature_vector
#             inputs, targets =,
#             outputs = model(inputs)
#             feature_vector = torch.sum(torch.flatten(feature_vector, 2), 2)
#             current_feature = feature_vector.detach().cpu().numpy()
#             current_labels = targets.cpu().numpy()
#             # Store features
#             features.append(current_feature)
#             labels.append(current_labels)
#     features = np.concatenate(features, axis=0)
#     labels = np.concatenate(labels, axis=0)
#     h.remove()  # Rmove the hook
#     return features, labels
# EPS = 1e-5
# class SCAn:
#     def __init__(self):
#         pass
#     def calc_final_score(self, lc_model=None):
#         if lc_model is None:
#             lc_model = self.lc_model
#         sts = lc_model['sts']
#         y = sts[:, 1]
#         ai = self.calc_anomaly_index(y / np.max(y))
#         return ai
#     def calc_anomaly_index(self, a):
#         ma = np.median(a)
#         b = abs(a - ma)
#         mm = np.median(b) * 1.4826
#         index = b / mm
#         return index
#     def build_global_model(self, reprs, labels, n_classes):
#         N = reprs.shape[0]  # num_samples
#         M = reprs.shape[1]  # len_features
#         L = n_classes
#         mean_a = np.mean(reprs, axis=0)
#         X = reprs - mean_a
#         cnt_L = np.zeros(L)
#         mean_f = np.zeros([L, M])
#         for k in range(L):
#             idx = (labels == k)
#             cnt_L[k] = np.sum(idx)
#             mean_f[k] = np.mean(X[idx], axis=0)
#         u = np.zeros([N, M])
#         e = np.zeros([N, M])
#         for i in range(N):
#             k = labels[i]
#             u[i] = mean_f[k]  # class-mean
#             e[i] = X[i] - u[i]  # sample-variantion
#         Su = np.cov(np.transpose(u))
#         Se = np.cov(np.transpose(e))
#         # EM
#         dist_Su = 1e5
#         dist_Se = 1e5
#         n_iters = 0
#         while (dist_Su + dist_Se > EPS) and (n_iters < 100):
#             n_iters += 1
#             last_Su = Su
#             last_Se = Se
#             F = np.linalg.pinv(Se)
#             SuF = np.matmul(Su, F)
#             G_set = list()
#             for k in range(L):
#                 G = -np.linalg.pinv(cnt_L[k] * Su + Se)
#                 G = np.matmul(G, SuF)
#                 G_set.append(G)
#             u_m = np.zeros([L, M])
#             e = np.zeros([N, M])
#             u = np.zeros([N, M])
#             for i in range(N):
#                 vec = X[i]
#                 k = labels[i]
#                 G = G_set[k]
#                 dd = np.matmul(np.matmul(Se, G), np.transpose(vec))
#                 u_m[k] = u_m[k] - np.transpose(dd)
#             for i in range(N):
#                 vec = X[i]
#                 k = labels[i]
#                 e[i] = vec - u_m[k]
#                 u[i] = u_m[k]
#             # max-step
#             Su = np.cov(np.transpose(u))
#             Se = np.cov(np.transpose(e))
#             dif_Su = Su - last_Su
#             dif_Se = Se - last_Se
#             dist_Su = np.linalg.norm(dif_Su)
#             dist_Se = np.linalg.norm(dif_Se)
#             # print(dist_Su,dist_Se)
#         gb_model = dict()
#         gb_model['Su'] = Su
#         gb_model['Se'] = Se
#         gb_model['mean'] = mean_f
#         self.gb_model = gb_model
#         return gb_model
#     def build_local_model(self, reprs, labels, gb_model, n_classes):
#         Su = gb_model['Su']
#         Se = gb_model['Se']
#         F = np.linalg.pinv(Se)
#         N = reprs.shape[0]
#         M = reprs.shape[1]
#         L = n_classes
#         mean_a = np.mean(reprs, axis=0)
#         X = reprs - mean_a
#         class_score = np.zeros([L, 3])
#         u1 = np.zeros([L, M])
#         u2 = np.zeros([L, M])
#         split_rst = list()
#         for k in range(L):
#             selected_idx = (labels == k)
#             cX = X[selected_idx]
#             subg, i_u1, i_u2 = self.find_split(cX, F)
#             # print("subg",subg)
#             i_sc = self.calc_test(cX, Su, Se, F, subg, i_u1, i_u2)
#             split_rst.append(subg)
#             u1[k] = i_u1
#             u2[k] = i_u2
#             class_score[k] = [k, i_sc[0][0], np.sum(selected_idx)]
#         lc_model = dict()
#         lc_model['sts'] = class_score
#         lc_model['mu1'] = u1
#         lc_model['mu2'] = u2
#         lc_model['subg'] = split_rst
#         self.lc_model = lc_model
#         return lc_model
#     def find_split(self, X, F):
#         N = X.shape[0]
#         M = X.shape[1]
#         subg = np.random.rand(N)
#         if (N == 1):
#             subg[0] = 0
#             return (subg, X.copy(), X.copy())
#         if np.sum(subg >= 0.5) == 0:
#             subg[0] = 1
#         if np.sum(subg < 0.5) == 0:
#             subg[0] = 0
#         last_z1 = -np.ones(N)
#         # EM
#         steps = 0
#         while (np.linalg.norm(subg - last_z1) > EPS) and (np.linalg.norm((1 - subg) - last_z1) > EPS) and (steps < 100):
#             steps += 1
#             last_z1 = subg.copy()
#             # max-step
#             # calc u1 and u2
#             idx1 = (subg >= 0.5)
#             idx2 = (subg < 0.5)
#             if (np.sum(idx1) == 0) or (np.sum(idx2) == 0):
#                 break
#             if np.sum(idx1) == 1:
#                 u1 = X[idx1]
#             else:
#                 u1 = np.mean(X[idx1], axis=0)
#             if np.sum(idx2) == 1:
#                 u2 = X[idx2]
#             else:
#                 u2 = np.mean(X[idx2], axis=0)
#             bias = np.matmul(np.matmul(u1, F), np.transpose(u1)) - np.matmul(np.matmul(u2, F), np.transpose(u2))
#             e2 = u1 - u2  # (64,1)
#             for i in range(N):
#                 e1 = X[i]
#                 delta = np.matmul(np.matmul(e1, F), np.transpose(e2))
#                 if bias - 2 * delta < 0:
#                     subg[i] = 1
#                 else:
#                     subg[i] = 0
#         return (subg, u1, u2)
#     def calc_test(self, X, Su, Se, F, subg, u1, u2):
#         N = X.shape[0]
#         M = X.shape[1]
#         G = -np.linalg.pinv(N * Su + Se)
#         mu = np.zeros([1, M])
#         SeG = np.matmul(Se,G)
#         for i in range(N):
#             vec = X[i]
#             dd = np.matmul(SeG, np.transpose(vec))
#             mu = mu - dd
#         b1 = np.matmul(np.matmul(mu, F), np.transpose(mu)) - np.matmul(np.matmul(u1, F), np.transpose(u1))
#         b2 = np.matmul(np.matmul(mu, F), np.transpose(mu)) - np.matmul(np.matmul(u2, F), np.transpose(u2))
#         n1 = np.sum(subg >= 0.5)
#         n2 = N - n1
#         sc = n1 * b1 + n2 * b2
#         for i in range(N):
#             e1 = X[i]
#             if subg[i] >= 0.5:
#                 e2 = mu - u1
#             else:
#                 e2 = mu - u2
#             sc -= 2 * np.matmul(np.matmul(e1, F), np.transpose(e2))
#         return sc / N

[docs]class scan(defense): r'''Demon in the Variant: Statistical Analysis of DNNs for Robust Backdoor Contamination Detection basic sturcture for defense method: 1. basic setting: args 2. attack result(model, train data, test data) 3. SCAn detection: a. Leverage the target model to generate representations for all input images. b. Estimate the parameters by running an EM algorithm. c. calculate the identity vector and decompose the representations. d. estimate the parameters for the mixture model. e. perform the likelihood ratio test. 4. compute TPR and FPR .. code-block:: python parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=sys.argv[0]) scan.add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() scan_method = scan(args) if "result_file" not in args.__dict__: args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' elif args.result_file is None: args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' result = scan_method.detection(args.result_file) .. Note:: @inproceedings{tang2021demon, title={Demon in the variant: Statistical analysis of $\{$DNNs$\}$ for robust backdoor contamination detection}, author={Tang, Di and Wang, XiaoFeng and Tang, Haixu and Zhang, Kehuan}, booktitle={30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21)}, pages={1541--1558}, year={2021}} Args: baisc args: in the base class target_layer(str): which layer for detection clean_sample_num(int): number of clean sample given ''' def __init__(self,args): pass
# with open(args.yaml_path, 'r') as f: # defaults = yaml.safe_load(f) # # defaults.update({k:v for k,v in args.__dict__.items() if v is not None}) # # args.__dict__ = defaults # # args.terminal_info = sys.argv # # args.num_classes = get_num_classes(args.dataset) # args.input_height, args.input_width, args.input_channel = get_input_shape(args.dataset) # args.img_size = (args.input_height, args.input_width, args.input_channel) # args.dataset_path = f"{args.dataset_path}/{args.dataset}" # # self.args = args # # if 'result_file' in args.__dict__ : # if args.result_file is not None: # self.set_result(args.result_file) # # def add_arguments(parser): # parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, help='cuda, cpu') # parser.add_argument("-pm","--pin_memory", type=lambda x: str(x) in ['True', 'true', '1'], help = "dataloader pin_memory") # parser.add_argument("-nb","--non_blocking", type=lambda x: str(x) in ['True', 'true', '1'], help = ".to(), set the non_blocking = ?") # parser.add_argument("-pf", '--prefetch', type=lambda x: str(x) in ['True', 'true', '1'], help='use prefetch') # parser.add_argument('--amp', default = False, type=lambda x: str(x) in ['True','true','1']) # # parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_load', type=str, help='the location of load model') # parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_save', type=str, help='the location of checkpoint where model is saved') # parser.add_argument('--log', type=str, help='the location of log') # parser.add_argument("--dataset_path", type=str, help='the location of data') # parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, help='mnist, cifar10, cifar100, gtrsb, tiny') # parser.add_argument('--result_file', type=str, help='the location of result') # # parser.add_argument('--epochs', type=int) # parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int) # parser.add_argument("--num_workers", type=float) # parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float) # parser.add_argument('--lr_scheduler', type=str, help='the scheduler of lr') # parser.add_argument('--steplr_stepsize', type=int) # parser.add_argument('--steplr_gamma', type=float) # parser.add_argument('--steplr_milestones', type=list) # parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, help='resnet18') # # parser.add_argument('--client_optimizer', type=int) # parser.add_argument('--sgd_momentum', type=float) # parser.add_argument('--wd', type=float, help='weight decay of sgd') # parser.add_argument('--frequency_save', type=int, # help=' frequency_save, 0 is never') # # parser.add_argument('--random_seed', type=int, help='random seed') # parser.add_argument('--yaml_path', type=str, default="./config/detection/scan/cifar10.yaml", help='the path of yaml') # parser.add_argument('--clean_sample_num', type=int) # parser.add_argument('--target_layer', type=str) # # def set_result(self, result_file): # attack_file = 'record/' + result_file # save_path = 'record/' + result_file + '/detection/scan_pretrain/' # if not (os.path.exists(save_path)): # os.makedirs(save_path) # self.args.save_path = save_path # if self.args.checkpoint_save is None: # self.args.checkpoint_save = save_path + 'detection_info/' # if not (os.path.exists(self.args.checkpoint_save)): # os.makedirs(self.args.checkpoint_save) # # if self.args.log is None: # self.args.log = save_path + 'log/' # if not (os.path.exists(self.args.log)): # os.makedirs(self.args.log) # self.result = load_attack_result(attack_file + '/') # # def set_trainer(self, model): # self.trainer = PureCleanModelTrainer( # model = model, # ) # # def set_logger(self): # args = self.args # logFormatter = logging.Formatter( # fmt='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)-8s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s', # datefmt='%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S', # ) # logger = logging.getLogger() # # fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(args.log + '/' + time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S", time.localtime()) + '.log') # fileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) # logger.addHandler(fileHandler) # # consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() # consoleHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter) # logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) # # logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # # # try: # # except: #'Getting git info fails.') # # def set_devices(self): # self.device = self.args.device # # def cal(self, true, pred): # TN, FP, FN, TP = confusion_matrix(true, pred).ravel() # return TN, FP, FN, TP # def metrix(self, TN, FP, FN, TP): # TPR = TP/(TP+FN) # FPR = FP/(FP+TN) # precision = TP/(TP+FP) # acc = (TP+TN)/(TN+FP+FN+TP) # return TPR, FPR, precision, acc # def filtering(self): # start = time.perf_counter() # self.set_devices() # fix_random(self.args.random_seed) # # ### a. load model, bd train data and transforms # model = generate_cls_model(self.args.model,self.args.num_classes) # model.load_state_dict(self.result['model']) # if "," in self.device: # model = torch.nn.DataParallel( # model, # device_ids=[int(i) for i in self.args.device[5:].split(",")] # eg. "cuda:2,3,7" -> [2,3,7] # ) # self.args.device = f'cuda:{model.device_ids[0]}' # # model.eval() # else: # # model.eval() # # test_tran = get_transform(self.args.dataset, *([self.args.input_height,self.args.input_width]) , train = False) # bd_train_dataset = self.result['bd_train'].wrapped_dataset # pindex = np.where(np.array(bd_train_dataset.poison_indicator) == 1)[0] # # module_dict = dict(model.named_modules()) # target_layer = module_dict[args.target_layer] # # clean_test_dataset = self.result['clean_test'].wrapped_dataset # # ### b. find a clean sample from test dataset # images = [] # labels = [] # for img, label in clean_test_dataset: # images.append(img) # labels.append(label) # class_idx_whole = [] # num = int(self.args.clean_sample_num / self.args.num_classes) # if num == 0: # num = 1 # for i in range(self.args.num_classes): # class_idx_whole.append(np.random.choice(np.where(np.array(labels)==i)[0], num)) # class_idx_whole = np.concatenate(class_idx_whole, axis=0) # image_c = [images[i] for i in class_idx_whole] # label_c = [labels[i] for i in class_idx_whole] # # clean_dataset = xy_iter(image_c, label_c,transform=test_tran) # clean_dataloader = DataLoader(clean_dataset, self.args.batch_size, shuffle=True) # clean_features,clean_labels = get_features_labels(args, model, target_layer, clean_dataloader) # # ### c. load training dataset with poison samples # images_poison = [] # labels_poison = [] # for img, label, *other_info in bd_train_dataset: # images_poison.append(img) # labels_poison.append(label) # # ### d. get features of training dataset # train_dataset = xy_iter(images_poison, labels_poison,transform=test_tran) # train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, self.args.batch_size, shuffle=False) # train_features, train_labels = get_features_labels(args, model, target_layer, train_dataloader) # # feats_inspection = np.array(train_features) # class_indices_inspection = np.array(train_labels) # # feats_clean = np.array(clean_features) # class_indices_clean = np.array(clean_labels) # # scan = SCAn() # gb_model = scan.build_global_model(feats_clean, class_indices_clean, self.args.num_classes) # size_inspection_set = len(feats_inspection) # feats_all = np.concatenate([feats_inspection, feats_clean]) # class_indices_all = np.concatenate([class_indices_inspection, class_indices_clean]) # lc_model = scan.build_local_model(feats_all, class_indices_all, gb_model, self.args.num_classes) # score = scan.calc_final_score(lc_model) # threshold = np.exp(2) # # suspicious_indices = [] # flag_list = [] # # for target_class in range(args.num_classes): # # print('[class-%d] outlier_score = %f' % (target_class, score[target_class]) ) # # if score[target_class] <= threshold: # continue # flag_list.append([target_class, score[target_class]]) # tar_label = (class_indices_all == target_class) # all_label = np.arange(len(class_indices_all)) # tar = all_label[tar_label] # # cluster_0_indices = [] # cluster_1_indices = [] # # cluster_0_clean = [] # cluster_1_clean = [] # # for index, i in enumerate(lc_model['subg'][target_class]): # if i == 1: # if tar[index] > size_inspection_set: # cluster_1_clean.append(tar[index]) # else: # cluster_1_indices.append(tar[index]) # else: # if tar[index] > size_inspection_set: # cluster_0_clean.append(tar[index]) # else: # cluster_0_indices.append(tar[index]) # # # if len(cluster_0_clean) < len(cluster_1_clean): # if most clean samples are in cluster 1 # suspicious_indices += cluster_0_indices # else: # suspicious_indices += cluster_1_indices # # if len(suspicious_indices)==0: # tn = len(true_index) - np.sum(true_index) # fp = np.sum(true_index) # fn = 0 # tp = 0 # f = open(self.args.save_path + '/detection_info.csv', 'a', encoding='utf-8') # csv_write = csv.writer(f) # csv_write.writerow(['record', 'TN','FP','FN','TP','TPR','FPR', 'target']) # csv_write.writerow([args.result_file, tn,fp,fn,tp, 0,0, 'None']) # f.close() # else: # true_index = np.zeros(len(images_poison)) # for i in range(len(true_index)): # if i in pindex: # true_index[i] = 1 # #"Flagged label list: {}".format(",".join(["{}: {}".format(y_label, s) for y_label, s in flag_list]))) # findex = np.zeros(len(images_poison)) # for i in range(len(findex)): # if i in suspicious_indices: # findex[i] = 1 # if np.sum(findex) == 0: # tn = len(true_index) - np.sum(true_index) # fp = np.sum(true_index) # fn = 0 # tp = 0 # else: # tn, fp, fn, tp =, findex) # TPR, FPR, precision, acc = self.metrix(tn, fp, fn, tp) # # new_TP = tp # new_FN = fn*9 # new_FP = fp*1 # precision = new_TP / (new_TP + new_FP) if new_TP + new_FP != 0 else 0 # recall = new_TP / (new_TP + new_FN) if new_TP + new_FN != 0 else 0 # fw1 = 2*(precision * recall)/ (precision + recall) if precision + recall != 0 else 0 # end = time.perf_counter() # time_miniute = (end-start)/60 # # f = open(self.args.save_path + '/detection_info.csv', 'a', encoding='utf-8') # csv_write = csv.writer(f) # csv_write.writerow(['record', 'TN','FP','FN','TP','TPR','FPR', 'target']) # csv_write.writerow([args.result_file, tn, fp, fn, tp, TPR, FPR, [i for i,j in flag_list]]) # f.close() # # # def detection(self,result_file): # self.set_result(result_file) # self.set_logger() # result = self.filtering() # # # if __name__ == '__main__': # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=sys.argv[0]) # scan.add_arguments(parser) # args = parser.parse_args() # scan_method = scan(args) # if "result_file" not in args.__dict__: # args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' # elif args.result_file is None: # args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' # result = scan_method.detection(args.result_file)