Quick Start by Examples


This is a demo script of running BadNets attack on CIFAR-10.

python attack/badnet_attack.py --yaml_path ../config/attack/badnet/cifar10.yaml --dataset cifar10 --dataset_path ../data --save_folder_name badnet_0.1

After attack you will get a folder with all files saved in record/, including attack_result.pt for attack model and backdoored data, which will be used by following defense methods.

If you want to change the attack methods, dataset, save folder location, you should specify both the attack method script in attack and the YAML config file to use different attack methods. The detailed descriptions for each attack may be put into the add_args function in each script.


This is a demo script of running ac defense on CIFAR-10 for BadNets attack. Before defense you need to run badnet attack on CIFAR-10 at first. Then you use the folder name as result_file.

python defense/ac/ac.py --result_file badnet_0_1 --yaml_path ./config/defense/ac/cifar10.yaml --dataset cifar10