- class npd[source]
Neural polarizer: A lightweight and effective backdoor defense via purifying poisoned features
- basic structure:
config args, save_path, fix random seed
load the backdoor attack data and backdoor test data
load the backdoor model
- npd defense (train a neural polarizer layer):
warm up with a small learning rate
define optimizer
for each epoch of training the plug layer (random targeted AE and training)
test the result and get ASR, ACC, RC
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=sys.argv[0]) npd.add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() ft_method = npd(args) result = ft_method.defense(args.result_file)
@inproceedings{ zhu2023neural, title={Neural Polarizer: A Lightweight and Effective Backdoor Defense via Purifying Poisoned Features}, author={Mingli Zhu and Shaokui Wei and Hongyuan Zha and Baoyuan Wu}, booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems}, year={2023}, url={}}
- Parameters:
args (baisc) – in the base class
warm_epochs (int) – warm up epochs for defense
target_layer_name (str) – the selected layer to insert the polarizer
trigger_norm (float) – the norm bound for the perturbation
norm_type (str) – the norm type of the bound (choices=[“L_inf”,”L2”,”L1”])
inner_steps (int) – the step for generate adversarial examples (relatively insensitive)
model_name (str) – decide which polarizer structure to use (for ablation study)
lmd1|lmd2|lmd3|lmd4 (str) – hyperparameters of four different losses
lr (float) – learning rate for learning the polarizer
max_init (bool) – the norm of the bound
use_residual (str) – use residual for the polarizer layer or not