- class spectre(args)[source]
SPECTRE: Defending Against Backdoor Attacks Using Robust Statistics
basic sturcture for defense method:
basic setting: args
attack result(model, train data, test data)
- Spectral defense:
get the activation as representation for each data
run quantum filter for k different squared values
keep the best k and correspoding selected samples as backdoor samples
Record TPR and FPR.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=sys.argv[0]) spectre.add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() spectral_method = spectre(args) if "result_file" not in args.__dict__: args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' elif args.result_file is None: args.result_file = 'defense_test_badnet' result = spectral_method.detection(args.result_file)
@inproceedings{hayase2021spectre, title={Spectre: Defending against backdoor attacks using robust statistics}, author={Hayase, Jonathan and Kong, Weihao and Somani, Raghav and Oh, Sewoong}, booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning}, pages={4129–4139}, year={2021}, organization={PMLR}}
- Parameters:
args (baisc) – in the base class
target_layer (str) – which layer for detection
clean_sample_num (int) – number of clean sample given
percentile (float) – percentile that over this threshold will be regard as backdoor